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3 Bloods: from the earth, the womb and the wrist
Video Art Exhibition / 2021
RangdArt invited 5 artists, from different regions of Brazil, to create 5 different video arts inspired on the blood theme. All the video arts were exhibited online, in April 2021, and also produced with Brazilian sign and blind language.
Original Idea and Project Direction: Allegra Ceccarelli
Video Creators and Performers: Allegra Ceccarelli, Bruna Brignol, Gael Jardim, Kali Saxa and Zahy Guajajara
Film Editor: João Maia P, Bruna Brignol and Kali Saxa
Blind Language: Virgínia Barcellos and Felipe Monteiro
Sign Language: Claudia Jacob and Maura Guimarães
Digital Marketing: Roberta Labanca
Press: Mônica Villela
This exhibition was funded by Rio de Janeiro's State Secretary for Culture and Creative Economy (SECECRJ), as part of the Aldir Blanc law, Retomada Cultural RJ 2020/2021
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